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The new Southern Voices Discussion Forum is now live and we need you to share your experiences from using the advocacy toolkits, or from engaging in similar climate change advocacy initiatives here. The Forum is intended to be a space for mutual learning and exchange of experiences for Climate Change Advocates in the South.
The discussion forum can be accessed via the top navigation bar (highlighted in red) or by the URL


What is it?

Without the use of buzzwords, this forum will be a tool for centralising discussion amongst our partners.

Topic categories

It has several advantages over email or listservs. Firstly it is possible to assign your post to a relevant topic (Category). This will make it easier for partners to view and retrieve related information when required. forum-category

Customized notifications

In the discussion forum you can nominate what topics you wish to receive. This will eliminate the typical listserv problem, where if you send a message you will get all the out of office replies.
To customize your notifications from anywhere in the SV Forum:

Click on 'User Name' in the navigation bar
Click on the Edit Profile button
Click on 'Notification Preferences' in the side navigation forum-notificationpreferences
You can be as specific or as broad in the topics you wish to recieve. For example you may only be interested in topics from your region.

How does it work?

If you can send an email, you can use this. Another advantage of the discussion forum is that anyone can view it but only Members to the Forum can post. As Members we have to be mindful to what comments we post as this is a very public space. We have made it this way, so that more people will understand the work that we are doing. Something that was difficult to achieve in a listserv.

Commenting on an existing discussion

Once a user is logged in, it is as simple as clicking on a Discussion topic and leaving a comment. forum-discussions
Within your comment you can also add an attachment if you wish to refer to it. forum-comment

Starting a new discussion

 To post a new discussion, click on the New Discussion button. forum-newdiscussion 
Title your discussion and assign it to a relevant category. Then fill out the body with your message.  forum-newpost

 I'm interested in the Forum. How can I become a Member?

Anyone can become a Member.

Click on Register and fill out the relevant fields.

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