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High 5 @ REDD/Forests

What is REDD?

what is modules

A guide for indigenous communities, prepared by IWGIA.

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Adaptation & DRR


As the world's population becomes more vulnerable to climate change, how can the poor and vulnerable adapt? Equally, how can we prepare through DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction?


Climate Finance


They promised us money to bear the consequence of the biggest injustice of our time. But how is it being spent? And how can civil society monitor it?

Sustainable Energy

module sustainable-energy

How can we light our homes, feed our kids, without compromising our environment? Many sustainable solutions to meeting our basic energy needs are already here...

Climate Negotiations


They've promised before: The fair, ambitious and legally-binding agreement. Will our governments keep their word? - We better make sure they do!

Post-2015 / SDGs

Copyright CARE.Danmark 10 Ghana

The Milennium Development Goals expire in 2015. What comes next? And will any post-2015 goals include the promised Sustainable Development Goals?

Advocacy Tools

tools module

We are gathering tools to develop our advocacy capacity - find the Southern Voices Advocacy Toolkit and much more here.

Reports & Cases

reports module

Our networks analyse and assess climate policies and programmes in their respective countries and regions. Want to get to the bottom of things?

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